Who We Are?


“My earliest memories are of my Grandparent’s Koi pond, dipping my fingers in the pond and squealing as 40 inch Koi sucked my fingers, catching frogs with my sister and my cousins and learning about all the wildlife a pond attracts. Ponds have always invoked nostalgia and sentiment in me. The Bluebells of Oxfordshire show pond was built using inheritance money from my Grandparents, the build was a deeply emotional journey and the result was a pond I know my Grandparents would have been proud of.

With every pond I build, I have my Grandparents in my mind, would they be proud of this? I’ve become obsessed with the details and a high standard of finish. I put it down to the fact that I always hear my Gran saying “if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”. I was born into a family with high standards for quality, unrelenting work ethic and a keen eye for detail. I carry these qualities into every project I take on and I live for what I do.” 

John Kirkby – Bluebells of Oxfordshire Ltd Director 


Again, it’s a nostalgic thing. My sister welled up when I told her the name. My Grandparent’s garden was immaculate and would not look out of place in the Chelsea flower show. It backed onto one of the most picturesque woodlands I’ve ever seen. As children we spent a lot of time in those woods, it was only accessible from the back gardens of those who lived on their quiet street, or from the private land where horses would be let out to graze. We had a rope swing and a tree house built in an old oak and every April, the ground would be a perfect carpet of bluebells, disturbed only by the tracks of badgers who they would feed peanut butter sandwiches right on their patio. I have many flowers which hold sentimental value, but none more than the bluebell – Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Bluebell woods


We may be a newly founded business but we are not new to building ponds. Ponds have been a life long passion of ours for generations and we believe our work speaks for itself.

Through a life time of keeping Koi and marine aquariums, we have gained a vast knowledge of water chemistry, something overlooked by many pond builders. Our ponds use a unique combination of natural and mechanical filtration to ensure clear water for years to come with minimal maintenance.


We have developed a unique method utilising a combination of bottom drains, mechanical filtration, UV, surface skimmers & biological filtration. Check our our video below for an in depth explanation. (Coming soon)

We can of course build to your preferences or requirements, it’s a conversation we always look forward to. We are in our element discussing pond mechanics and our primary goal is to deliver exactly what our customers want.


We fully understand the importance and benefits of having a space we can enjoy and relax in. The sound of running water paired with a beautifully planted garden can have a huge positive impact on our mental wellbeing. Let us help you create your own personal utopia.

Contact us today and let us help build your dream space.


Yes, ponds are our specialist area, but that doesn’t mean landscaping and gardening are any different to us. We carry the same high standards into everything we undertake. Green fingers run though all generation of my family. My grandparents passed their enthusiasm onto my Father. My parent have lived in 4 different houses during my lifetime and each of them have evolved to have show stopping gardens. When most boys were out playing football with their friends, I was in the garden with my Dad. I begged him for a pond for what felt like an age. He converted our old bath tub into something that ended up being pretty special. It evolved into a waterfall comprised of 2 bath tubs feeding a large pond, in turn, feeding a stream with stepping stones, feeding another pond. I am on the hunt for some pictures to add here.

I saved pocket money to buy our first pond liner, pocket money I would often earn in the garden, cutting the lawn, shaping hedges, weeding etc. My parent are real grafters, even now in their retirement, they never stop. It’s a work ethic I have proudly inherited, paired with passion for the outdoors. 

For me, gardening and landscaping does not feel like work, it’s where I feel at home. I love the exercise, I love the variety and most of all, I love the gratitude shown by our clients. The work we do gives people a real lift, it’s such a beautiful feeling. Give us the opportunity to work for you and I guarantee, you’ll be blown away. If you’re not happy, nor are we. 

Contact us Today for a free consultation with no obligations.